The Kirun Network - Preview - Tips


The tips used by CSS Preview. Note that CSS3 is under heavy development, properties may appear and disappear, and links become outdated.


AzimuthThe azimuth property specifies an angle that the sound should appear to be coming form, horizontally.-Yes-
Background-attachmentThe background-attachment chooses whether the background image should scroll with the page or not.YesYesYes
Background-colorThe background-colour property should not be used on its own. You should apply a foreground colour at the same time with the color property.YesYesYes
Background-imageThe background-image property supplies an URL for the background.YesYesYes
Background-positionThe background-position property chooses where the origin of the background is.YesYesYes
Background-repeatThe background-repeat property specifies how the background image is to be tiled.YesYesYes
Border-collapseThis property affects how a table's borders are drawn - are the cell's borders collapsed together or not?-Yes-
Border-colorThe border-color property sets the colour of an element's borders.YesYesYes
Border-radiusBorderRadius is new in CSS3--Yes
Border-spacingThis is the space between borders in table cells.-Yes-
Border-styleThe border-style property sets the style of an element's borders.YesYesYes
Border-widthThe border-width property sets the width of an element's borders.-Yes-
BottomThe bottom property sets how far the bottom of an element should be from the bottom of its containing block.-Yes-
Caption-sideThe caption-side property specifies where on a table a caption should go.-Yes-
ClearThe clear property is used to specify which sides of a block-level element are allowed next to a floating box.YesYes-
ClipThe clip property allows you to specify a different visible region of an element than normal.-Yes-
ColorThe color property controls the foreground colour of text. If you apply a colour, you should always apply a background colour at the same time.YesYes-
ContentThe content property is used with :before and :after to add content to a document. It should now be useable.-Yes-
Counter-incrementThe counter-increment property -Yes-
Counter-resetThe counter-reset property .-Yes-
CueThe cue property is shorthand - it can apply cue-before and cue-after at the same time.-Yes-
Cue-afterA sound is specified which is played after the element is read.-Yes-
Cue-beforeA sound is specified which is played before the element is read.-Yes-
CursorThe cursor property takes either a named value or a URL. Possible values: auto, crosshair, default, pointer, move, e-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, n-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, s-resize, w-resize, text, wait, help-Yes-
DirectionSets the direction of the text, rtl or ltr.-Yes-
DisplayThis is used to specify how something is drawn. It is usually used with the "none" value in DHTML to show and hide elementsYesYes-
ElevationThe elevation property specifies a vertical angle that the sound should appear to be coming from.-Yes-
Empty-cellsThis allows you to specify if empty cells in a table have a border around them or not.-Yes-
FloatThis can be used to float a box to the left or right, and have content flow around it.YesYes-
FontThe font property is a shorthand to the other font properties.YesYes-
Font-familyThe font family property allows you to specify a mix of named fonts and generic fonts. For example, you could ask for "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", meaning Arial is your first choice, then Helvetica, then the default sans-serif font.YesYes-
Font-sizeThe font-size property alters how big the text will be. You can use the units em , ex , px , in , cm , mm , pt , pc , % or the values xx-small , x-small , small , medium , large , x-large , xx-large , larger , smallerYesYes-
Font-size-adjustThe font-size-adjust property is used to keep the font looking the same size when the font is changed. It takes into account the different aspect ratios of different fonts. Times New Roman has a value of .46, Trebuchet MS is .53.-Yes-
Font-stretchThe font-stretch property is supposed to allow you to request a font to be wider or narrower. This does not appear to have any browser support currently.-Yes-
Font-styleThe Font Style property lets you apply italic and oblique styles to your text. These are slightly different - italic fonts have extra decorations, while oblique fonts do not. Not all browsers know the difference.YesYes-
Font-variantThe Font Variant property is used to apply a small caps style to your text. Be careful with this, as it decreases readability.YesYes-
Font-weightThe font-weight property controls how bold the font looks. It also lets you request that text is displayed lighter than normal.YesYes-
HeightThis sets the height of elements.YesYes-
LeftLeft specifies how far the left edge of the element should be from the left edge of the containing block.-Yes-
Letter-spacingIf you give this a value, it is in addition to any letter spacing already present.-Yes-
Line-heightThe line-height property can be used to alter line spacing. As well as the usual sizes, you can set the value as a number, such as making your lines 1.5 high (half a line's space between lines).YesYes-
List-styleThe list-style property is a shorthand to the other list-style properties.YesYes-
List-style-imageThe list-style-image property specifies an URL to an image to use as list markers.YesYes-
List-style-positionThe list-style-position property chooses whether the list marker is inside or outside the item's boxYesYes-
List-style-typeThe list-style type specifies the style of numbering or marks. Possible values are: disc, circle, square, decimal, decimal-leading-zero, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-greek, lower-alpha, lower-latin, upper-alpha, upper-latin, hebrew, armenian, georgian, cjk-ideographic, hiragana, katakana, hiragana-iroha, katakana-iroha, noneYesYes-
MarginThe margin property allows you to set margins on all edges at once.YesYes-
Margin-bottomThe margin-bottom element sets the size of an element's bottom margin.YesYes-
Margin-leftThe margin-left property sets the size of an element's left margin.YesYes-
Margin-rightThe margin-right property specifies the size of an element's right margin.YesYes-
Margin-topThe margin-top property sets the size of the top margin of an element.YesYes-
Marker-offsetThe marker-offset property -Yes-
MarksMarks allows you to add crop or cross (alignment) marks to your printouts.-Yes-
Max-heightThe max-height property gives a height which an element should not exceed.-Yes-
Max-widthThis property requests that the width of an element does not go above a certain size.-Yes-
Min-heightThe min-height property gives a height which an element should not go below.-Yes-
Min-widthThe min-width property sets a width which an element should not go below.-Yes-
OrphansLorem the ipsum-Yes-
OutlineThe outline property is a shorthand for the individual outline properties.-Yes-
Outline-colorThe outline-color property colours the outline.-Yes-
Outline-styleThe outline-style property takes the same values as border-style.-Yes-
Outline-widthThe outline-width property takes the same values as border-width.-Yes-
OverflowThis specifies how an element should behave if its content is too big for the space it provides.-Yes-
PaddingThe padding property is a shorthand, allowing you to set padding on all sides at once.-Yes-
Padding-bottomThe padding-bottom property sets the value of an element's bottom padding.-Yes-
Padding-leftThe padding-left property sets the size of an element's left padding.-Yes-
Padding-rightThe padding-right property sets the size of an element's right padding.-Yes-
Padding-topThe padding-top property sets the size of an element's top padding.-Yes-
PageThe page property allows certain elements to be printed on named page types, for example, making a table print landscape.-Yes-
Page-break-afterLorem the ipsum-Yes-
Page-break-beforeLorem the ipsum-Yes-
Page-break-insideLorem the Ipsum-Yes-
PauseThis is a shorthand property that sets pause-before and pause-after together.-Yes-
Pause-afterThe pause-after property specifies the pause after an element has been read out.-Yes-
Pause-beforeThe pause-before property specifies how long to pause before reading an element out.-Yes-
PitchThe pitch property specifies the average pitch of a speaking voice.-Yes-
Pitch-rangeThe pitch-range property changes how expressive a voice is. 0 gives a totally dull, monotonus voice, 50 is normal, and 100 has a high range, and is very expressive.-Yes-
Play-duringThe play-during property specifies a background sound to be played when the element's contents are being read out.-Yes-
PositionThe position property selects the positioning scheme for an element.-Yes-
QuotesThe quotes property affects the rendering of the <Q> tag.-Yes-
RichnessThe richness property lets you choose between a soft voice, and one with more power that can "carry" itself. 50 is normal, 0 is soft and 100 is rich.-Yes-
RightThe right property sets how far the right edge of an element should be from the right edge of a containing block.-Yes-
SizeThe size property is used to specify a page's print size.---
SpeakThis can be used to turn on or off speaking of an element, and also to make it spelled out rather than spoken normally.-Yes-
Speak-headerThe speak-header property chooses if header cells are spoken once, or before every cell that they relate to.-Yes-
Speak-numeralThe speak-numeral property affects whether the digits are spoken one at a time, or converted into friendly numbers (e.g. "one hundred and two")-Yes-
Speak-punctuationThe speak-punctuation property is used to specify whether punctuation is read out or not - used for program code.---
Speech-rateSelects how fast the text is to be spoken. Named values or words per minute.-Yes-
StressThe stress property changes how much different parts of a sentence are emphasised.-Yes-
System FontsIf you are trying to make part of your webpage customised to look like the user's choice of desktop settings (for a web application or similar), you can use system fonts.-Yes-
Table-layoutThis lets you switch between two different table layout algorithms - the fixed, which doesn't depend on content, and auto, which is the browser's default.-Yes-
Text-alignAs well as the usual left,right,center,justify properties, you can also set a string which will be aligned upon (for example, a decimal point). String alignment is only for table cells.-Yes-
Text-decorationText-decoration is used to add underline, line-through, overline and everyone's favourite, blink.-Yes-
Text-indentThe text-indent property indents the first line of a paragraph. This is a replacement for the "1 pixel GIF" techniques people have previously used to achieve this effect.-Yes-
Text-shadowYou'll need Konqueror or Safari to try this out.-Yes-
Text-transformThis property affects the case of the text it is applied to.-Yes-
TopTop sets the distance this element is from the top of it's containing block.-Yes-
Unicode-bidiAffects text direction. Values are normal, embed, bidi-override-Yes-
Vertical-alignThis specifies how different boxes line up when placed next to each other.-Yes-
VisibilityThe visibility property can be used to show and hide an element.-Yes-
Voice-familyThe voice-family property selects the reader. For example , "man" , "woman" , "Chris Tarrant"-Yes-
VolumeThe volume property changes the median volume.-Yes-
White-spaceThis affects how the whitespace in the element is treated. Normal collapses whitespace, pre preserves it, and nowrap doesn't wrap.-Yes-
WidowsThe minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the top of the page.-Yes-
WidthThe width property sets how wide an element should be rendered.-Yes-
Word-spacingIf a value is given, this is in addition to the current spacing, rather than overriding it. You can, however, give a negative value if you want the spacing to be tighter.-Yes-
Z-indexThe Z-index property is used to decide which page elements are on top of which others.-Yes-